

2015-16 國際扶輪社長 九 月份 文告



前有個年輕力壯的人找到伐木工的工作。他充滿幹勁地展開工作:第一週,他砍了18 棵樹,並將它們劈成柴薪。第二週,他還是一樣賣力,但是他發現居然只砍了11 棵樹。第三週,儘管從早到晚不停工作,但只砍了6 棵,於是他沮喪地向領班提出辭呈。「我越來越沒力氣。現在砍的樹比以前少了。」









  最近20 年,我們大張旗鼓強調社員的重要性。我們設定目標並發起運動,焦點都是放在引進更多社員。然而,社員總數還是維持不變。




  其中一個方法是利用7 月開始實施的新的扶輪全球回饋(Rotary Global Reward) 計畫。這個創新計畫讓扶輪社員能與全世界各地的企業及服務供應者往來,並獲得折扣及減價。扶輪社員個人可將他們自己的企業納入其中,與扶輪已經談好關係的企業並列;最適當提案的企業將被加入名單。我們也已創造了新選項,讓企業將每筆交易的利潤的一部份回饋給扶輪基金會,而且有幾家公司已經加入這個行列。我們每個月將更新名單,並公布我們可能收到的新增提議。我敦促你們所有的人現在就到國際扶輪網站Rotary.org 的My Rotary 網頁登記,試用一下。參與的扶輪社員更多,這個計畫將更有活力,而且好處更多。




雷文壯 K.R. Ravindran

2015-16 年度國際扶輪社長

2015-16 RI Presidential Message in September 2015


Dear Fellow Rotarians,

There was once a strong young man who was offered a job as a woodcutter. He set about his task with energy: The first week, he turned 18 trees into firewood. The second week, he worked just as hard, but was surprised to find he had chopped only 11 trees. The third week, despite working nonstop from morning till night, the number was six, and he went despairingly to the foreman to offer his resignation. "I am losing my strength. I can no longer cut as many trees as I once could."

The foreman looked at the young man, who seemed to him in fine health. "Have you thought of sharpening your ax?" he asked.
"Sharpen my ax? Who has time to sharpen an ax?" the young man asked indignantly. "I have been too busy chopping wood!"
When we aren't making the kind of progress we feel we should be making, the natural response is to redouble our efforts. Sometimes, though, the better response is not to work harder, but to work smarter. Look at your tools. Analyze your processes. Are you directing your resources in the most effective ways? Or are you pouring all your strength into chopping wood with a dull ax?
For the last 20 years, we have relentlessly beaten the drum of membership in Rotary. We set goals and launch campaigns, all focused on bringing in more and more members. And yet, our overall numbers remain the same.
It is time to sharpen our tools. Instead of focusing on the question, "How can we bring more members into Rotary?" we should be asking ourselves, "How can we add more value to Rotary membership, so that more will join and fewer will leave?"
One way we are doing that is with the new Rotary Global Rewards program, which launched in July. This innovative program allows Rotarians to connect with, and receive discounts and concessions from, businesses and service providers around the world. Individual Rotarians may submit their own business to be included alongside those with which Rotary has already negotiated relationships; the most appropriate offers will be added to the listings. We have also created the option of allowing businesses to return a percentage of their profit on each transaction to our Rotary Foundation, and several companies have already been locked into this part of the scheme. Each month we will update the list with additional offers that we may receive. I urge all of you to try it out by signing up on My Rotary at Rotary.org now. The more Rotarians participate, the stronger, and more beneficial, the program will be.

Much more than another loyalty program, Rotary Global Rewards is a new way to benefit from being a Rotarian, and being part of the Rotary network. It is another way to combine business and service. And it is yet another way to add value to Rotary membership. We cannot forget that our potential members will be asking themselves, "What's in it for me?" We need to demonstrate the value of Rotary by showing that becoming a Rotarian will enrich their lives, as it has ours.

K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran

President, Rotary International, 2015-16


2015-16 RI 社長9月份文告-中文

2015-16 RI 社長9月份文告-英文

