





  親愛的2015-16超我服務團隊及扶輪先進,扶輪年度由7月1日至隔年6月30日,今年7月1日扶輪世界530多個地區,約34,000扶輪社的團隊為2015-16RI主題Be a Gift to the World的就職上任揭開了美好的序幕。


  今年元月在聖地牙哥參加International Assembly講習,回台後,整理彙總向前總監們報告RI 2015-16年度主題與方向。緊接著是地區團隊訓練會議(District Team Training Seminar)、社長當選人講習會( Presidents - Elect Training Seminar)、地區訓練講習會(District Training Assembly)、幹事講習會、扶輪基金講習會,還有3480地區首次舉辦的社訓練師講習會(Club Trainer Training Seminar)及全球獎助金實務工作坊,加上去年12月舉辦的扶輪基金獎助金研習會。就任前約十場的扶輪功力灌頂,相信服務團隊大家準備就緒。


  今年R I 社長是S r i L a n k a 的K . R .Ravindran,他的主題:Be a Gift to the World , 中譯是” 成為獻給世界的禮物”,人生下來被賦予生命。成長的過程,被照顧、受教育。而在世界上人類只有”使用權”,沒有”所有權”,身為扶輪人的我們,在2015-16短暫的一年中,如何能對社區與世界有所貢獻與改善,引導我們更充實有意義的人生,進而使周遭與世界更美好,端看今年各社的規劃與執行。地區的行事曆與總監公式訪問日期都在七月總監月刊登出。



  接待: 80位(長期65位,Biking Camp15位)

  a. 1 1 / 1 4 為跨三地區D 3 4 8 0 、D3490、D3520聯合音樂/義賣/園遊會(中正紀念堂)
  b. 12/12為七地區肝病防治日



    a. 一年12月份的特別月
    b. 扶輪稱謂的禮節
    c. 扶輪基金


  3480地區連續兩年總監的努力,社員成長約1400人,三位社友中,有一位新社友。教育、教育、再教育,及防止社員流失,是今年地區非常重要的課題;3480地區第一次成立了CTTS及CP養成委員會。而今年度各社所有目標、計劃、獎項都必須透過Rotary Club Central來作業。


  國際扶輪今年邁入111年,他獻給全世界的禮物是致力於消除小兒麻痺(End Polio)。2015-16 RIP Ravi的團隊稱之”World Class”恭賀2021-22 RI國際年會在台灣,第一次於1993-94親逢盛會~乾杯在台北。感謝今年的強棒地區團隊:秘書長、16位助理總監與地區組織成員,加上各社的扶輪先進在前總監的指導下,希望能為3480地區創下另一高峰。







Dear 2015-16 ‘Service Above Self’ Team and Dignitary Rotarians,


        On July 1st, the beginning of the Rotary year that spans the period from July 1st to June 30th of the following year, about 34,000 Rotary clubs from over 530 districts around the world lifted the curtain for the 2015-16RI’s inauguration under the theme “Be a Gift to the World”.


        I attended the International Assembly held in San Diego in January of this year. After returning to Taiwan, I sorted and compiled the notes and reported the 2015-16 annual theme
and direction to the former governors. Closely following that were the District Team Training
Seminar, Presidents-Elect Training Seminar, District Training Assembly, Secretary Training
Seminar and Rotary Foundation Seminar, as well as the Global Grant Practice Workshop
and the Club Trainer Training Seminar which held for the first time for District 3480, in
addition to the Rotary Foundation Grant Seminar held last December. After being “baptized” by nearly ten Rotary skill events prior to the inauguration, I believe the team is ready to serve.


        This year, the president of Rotary International is K.R. Ravindram from Sri Lanka, whose theme is “Be a Gift to the World”. It means that people are born with the gift of life. We are looked after and educated during the process of growth. People only have the “right of use”, not “to own”. As Rotarians, how we can make contributions to, and improve, the community and the world, and guide us to live a rich and meaningful life, and consequently make the world a better place, depends on the planning and execution of the various Rotary clubs this year. The district calendars and the governors’ official visiting dates will be published in the Governor Monthly in July.


2015 Distric Goal:

1. Membership growth 500 people
2. Rotary Foundation: NTD 1.6 Million.
3. Youth exchange:
    Outbound: 68-70 people ( long- term
    exchange: 65, short-term exchange: 3-5)
    Inbound: 80 people (long-term: 65; Biking Camp: 15)
    Rotaract Club: 38 clubs
    Interact Club: 22 clubs
4. Asia Institute Meeting: 130 people Rotary International Convention in Seoul:
    400 people
5. Sister District (Japan D2720 , the Philippines D3850)

6. Service Project:
     a. November 14th: joint concert/ charity bazaar/ garden party (Chiang Kai-shek
         Memorial Hall) for 3 districts (D3480,D3490 and D3520)
     b. December 12 t h : Liver Diseases Prevention Day for Taiwan 7 Districts.


Adjustments of Rotary International this year:         

 a. The special months of the year

 b. Etiquette of the appellation used in Rotary International    

 c. Rotary Foundation


        Through the two years’ consecutive efforts made by the governor of District 3480, about 1400 new members were recruited; out of every three Rotarians, we have one new member. Education, reeducation and the retention of member are the important topics for the districts this year. CTTS and CP Cultivation Committee were established for the first time for District 3480. This year, all objectives, plans and awards of various clubs must be implemented through the Rotary Club Central.


        This year is the 111th year of the Rotary International, and the gift it presents to the world is the dedication to ending polio. The 2015-16 RIP Ravi team “World Class” offers congratulations for the 2021-22 RI Convention to be held in Taiwan; it was held in Taipei for the first time in 1993-94. We extend our gratitude to excellent regional clubs, including the secretary general, 16 assistant governors and district club members. We hope that under the guidance of former governors, we will create another peak for District 3480.  



