

2015-16 國際扶輪社長 十 月份 文告



個月,確認一整年都沒有原生小兒麻痹病毒的病例之後,奈及利亞已從全世界的小兒麻痹疫情猖獗國家名單中除名,成為非洲最後一個曾有小兒麻痹肆虐傳染的國家。今天,只剩兩個國家,即阿富汗及巴基斯坦,仍是傳染小兒麻痹的溫床。截至本期國際扶輪英文月刊The Rotarian 付印時,2015 年全球小兒麻痹病例為數只有數十件。









  我們把10 月24 日訂為「世界小兒麻痹日」。我希望在那一天,你們大家都會以某種方式來參與根除小兒麻痹。我知道你們有許多人打算在扶輪社或地區宣傳這個活動;對於尚未訂定計畫的人,還有許多方式可以參加。請上網到endpolionow.org 的網頁去尋找構想、工具、新聞稿樣本、及捐獻方式。你也可以找到我們活動的網路實況轉播的連接;請務必加入,並在社交媒體分享它。




  無論你是在( 奈及利亞的) 卡諾或( 巴基斯坦的) 白夏瓦或( 阿富汗的) 斯瓦特縣,還是在首爾或馬德里或芝加哥的扶輪社員─你都在這個故事裡面。你那一部分只有你能寫。我請各位要好好寫─這樣將來有一天你說的故事才會讓你引以為榮。


雷文壯 K.R. Ravindran

2015-16 年度國際扶輪社長

2015-16 RI Presidential Message in October 2015


Dear Fellow Rotarians,

Last month, after confirming a full year without a single case of wild poliovirus, Nigeria was removed from the list of the world's polio-endemic countries. It was the last polio-endemic country in Africa. Today, only two countries – Afghanistan and Pakistan – harbor the world's final reservoir of endemic poliovirus. As this issue of The Rotarian goes to press, global cases of polio in 2015 number only a few dozen.

The scale of this achievement can hardly be overstated. Polio has existed for millennia; it has plagued humanity since our earliest civilizations. Today, because of Rotary's work and that of our partners, the end is in sight. We are counting down not in years, but in months.
And yet, our success is as fragile as it is monumental. We are moving forward, slowly, steadily, inexorably – thanks to colossal efforts that never cease. We continue to vaccinate hundreds of millions of children in vast synchronized campaigns; we constantly monitor environments to prevent new outbreaks. The sheer scale of the effort – the coordination, the cost, and the commitment – boggles the mind.
Some ask why such high levels of immunization and surveillance are still needed to combat a disease that is almost gone. The answer is simple: It is the only way forward. If we did anything less – if we allowed the virus any quarter – years of work would be undone. We know too well how easily polio could spread again. We know how quickly our decades of progress could be lost. And this is why the months ahead are so tremendously important. We need your voice – to raise awareness, to raise funds, and to keep the momentum going. We need your strength to help fight this war until we have won.
On 24 October, we mark World Polio Day. I hope that on that day, all of you will take part in some way in our work to eradicate polio. I know that many of you intend to publicize this event on the club or district level; for those who have not yet made plans, there are still many ways to participate. Visit endpolionow.org for ideas, tools, sample press releases, and ways to donate. You'll also find the link to our livestream event; be sure to join in, and share it on social media.
This war of ours – which started as a war against polio but is also a war against hatred, against ignorance, against fear – this war will be won. It will be won soon. And when it is won, all of Rotary will have a story to tell – to the children, and the grandchildren, who will never see a leg brace or an iron lung, or know a world with polio in it.

Whether you are a Rotarian in Kano or Peshawar or Swat, in Seoul or Madrid or Chicago – you are a part of this story. Your part in it is one that only you can write. I ask you all to write it well – so that the story you will one day tell is one of which you will be proud.

K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran

President, Rotary International, 2015-16


2015-16 RI 社長10月份文告-中文

2015-16 RI 社長10月份文告-英文

