

2015-16年度 國際扶輪社長簡介

雷文壯K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran是一家公開上市的印刷、包裝及數位媒體解決方案公司Printcare PLC的創辦人及執行長。這家公司是全世界最大的茶包供應商,客戶遍及各大茶葉品牌,製造廠設於斯里蘭卡及印度。Printcare以卓越表現榮獲斯里蘭卡及國外許多獎項。雷文壯曾是數個國際性印刷及包裝論壇的特別演講貴賓。

雷文壯也擔任其他數家斯里蘭卡及印度公司及包括MJF (Dilmah)慈善基金會在內慈善信託機構的董事。他是扶輪贊助的斯里蘭卡反毒品協會的創會會長,這個協會是斯里蘭卡此類機構中最大的一個協會。雷文壯在該國內戰期間,曾參予商業界尋求和平解決衝突的努力,並且曾於2000年在紐約由聯合國為斯里蘭卡少數派教徒辦理的和平會議擔任特別演講貴賓。







K.R. Ravindran President, 2015-16

K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran is CEO and founder of Printcare PLC, a publicly listed printing, packaging, and digital media solutions company. It is arguably the world’s largest supplier of tea bag packaging, catering to nearly every major tea brand, with manufacturing facilities in Sri Lanka and India. Printcare is the winner of national and international awards of excellence. Ravindran has been a featured speaker at several international print and packaging forums.

Ravindran also serves on the board of several other companies in Sri Lanka and India and charitable trusts, including the MJF (Dilmah) Charitable Foundation. He is the founding president of the Rotary-sponsored Sri Lanka Anti Narcotics Association, the largest such agency in Sri Lanka. During the country’s civil war, Ravindran was involved in the business community efforts to find peaceful solutions to the conflict and was a featured speaker at the United Nations-sponsored peace conference in New York for the Sri Lankan diaspora in 2002.

A third generation Rotarian and a member himself since the age of 21, Ravindran has served on the Rotary International Board of Directors and The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees and as RI treasurer.


As his country’s national PolioPlus chair, Ravindran headed a joint task force of the Sri Lankan government, UNICEF, and Rotary and worked closely with UNICEF to successfully negotiate a ceasefire with the northern militants during National Immunization Days. Aided by Rotary’s efforts, Sri Lanka reported its last case of polio in 1994.


He also chaired the Schools Reawakening project, in which Rotary District 3220 raised more than $12 million to rebuild over 20 tsunami-devastated schools to benefit 14,000 children. He continues to play a role in his club’s project to build a cancer prevention and early detection center in Sri Lanka. Once completed, it will be the only dedicated national facility to offer comprehensive screening and early detection services.


He and Vanathy have been married since 1975, and they have two children and a recently born grandchild.

